The White House Just Emailed House Democrats Their Talking Points, Then Tried to Recall Them
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Late Wednesday morning, CNN’s Jim Acosta reported on Twitter that the White House accidentally sent their compiled talking points on President Trump’s conversation with President Zelensky of the Ukraine:
WH accidentally emailed talking points to House Dems
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) September 25, 2019
For those unaware, this is basically a strategy memo on what to say to the press when they ask difficult questions. It gets into specifics, but all boils down to “Trump did nothing wrong.” There was no quid quo pro, and this is all about the “deep state” and the “media” trying to start a witch hunt.
Hilariously, the White House then tried to recall the email, reports Buzzfeed’s David Mack:
A source just sent me this: WH accidentally sent Dems their talking points on the Ukraine call and they’re now trying desperately to recall the email
— David Mack (@davidmackau) September 25, 2019
The memo itself is nothing unexpected or especially compromising—Democrats probably could have written it themselves—but the whole episode is another mark of the chaos and incompetence at the heart of this White House.