Women, Rest Easy: Donald Trump has “Tremendous Respect” For You

Women, Rest Easy: Donald Trump has “Tremendous Respect” For You

Today is International Women’s Day, and we here at Paste are concerned that many women may be confused about President Trump’s official stance on…well, on the entire gender. Many, in fact, may think that his conception of women is a bit problematic, based on the times that he:

—Bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy”—which, according to him, is one of the benefits of wealth and fame.

—Implied that Fox News’ Megyn Kelly only asked him a tough question at the debate because she was on her period, and also called her a bimbo.

—Questioned Hillary Clinton’s ability to run the country on the grounds that she couldn’t sexually satisfy her husband.

—Expressed willingness to be romantically involved with his own daughter, if only it weren’t for all these damn social taboos.

Called Carly Fiorina ugly.

—Said a bunch of nasty things about Rosie O’Donnell, including calling her a “pig” and a “slob.”

—Called a female journalist a “dog,” hit on a female journalist while his wife was in the same house,called a woman “sick” for having to breastfeed her child, said abortion was “punishable,” called a Miss Universe contestant “Miss Piggy,” reminisced about how attractive Paris Hilton was at age 12, remarked about a 10-year-old girl that he’d be dating her in a decade, showed one of his former employees a “fat picture” of herself whenever she displeased him, called…oh God, here are 30 more examples.

HOWEVER! That’s all in the past now. Because today, on International Women’s Day, Trump tweeted his real views:

There you go, women! Finally, you can rest easy in the knowledge that our president both values and respects you. Have a wonderful day.

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