Watch This GOP Guy Snatch a Mic Away from Female Opponent Mid-Debate

Watch This GOP Guy Snatch a Mic Away from Female Opponent Mid-Debate

GOP lawmaker Duane Quam lost his temper during a debate on Tuesday when he wrenched a microphone out of his opponent’s hand, as The Huffington Post points out. Quam and his Democratic opponent, Jamie Mahlberg, were responding to a question about the education system when the incident occurred. The two are running against each other to represent Minnesota’s House District 25a.

Mahlberg and Quam passed a single microphone back and forth throughout the debate, answering questions and providing rebuttals. Mahlberg’s opinion on education made Quam so gosh darn mad, though, that he just couldn’t help himself from taking the mic without asking. He flashed his response card to indicate that he wanted to respond, but that wasn’t enough. Quam took matters, and the mic, into his own hands.

When he was finished responding, Quam tried to return the mic to Mahlberg. After a few seconds of Mahlberg ignoring him, Quam just tossed it down in front of her, like a cat bringing home a dead bird.

He apologized later on, saying he wasn’t “graceful.”

After the debate, Mahlberg told Splinter, “It was disappointing to be on the receiving end of such disrespectful behavior from my current representative, but ultimately I’m focused on my campaign and the hard work I will continue to do to earn the support of the voters of the district.”

Watch the political passion below. Quam’s mic snatch takes place at the 2:03 mark.

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