President Barack Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
Photo by Mark Wilson/GettyToday, in a video released by Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama formally endorsed Hillary Clinton.
“I know how hard this job can be. That’s why I know Hillary will be so good at it,” said Obama in the video. “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. I have seen her judgment, I’ve seen her toughness, I’ve seen her commitment to our values up close.”
Earlier today, Obama met with Bernie Sanders, who has also run against Clinton for the Democratic nomination, at the White House. Sanders thanked Obama and Vice President Joe Biden for remaining impartial during the primaries, but he did not formally endorse Clinton, NPR reports. Instead, Sanders hopes to continue running against her in the final primary election in Washington D.C., despite Clinton already clinching the Democratic presidential nomination. Sanders noted that he may soon endorse Clinton in the presidential election.
“I spoke briefly to Secretary Clinton on Tuesday night and I congratulated her on her very strong campaign,” said Sanders in a remark at the White House. “I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump and to create a government that represents all of us and not just the 1%.”
Eight years ago, Clinton and Obama opposed each other in the Democratic nomination, but the duo will campaign for Clinton together in Wisconsin next week.
After hearing news of Obama’s endorsement, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump insulted the two via Twitter, to which Clinton responded savagely.
Watch Obama’s endorsement video below.