55% of Americans Approve of Impeaching Trump

55% of Americans Approve of Impeaching Trump

Polls this week have shown a consistent trend: Voter support for impeachment is growing. Amid last week’s ruckus in D.C.—President Trump’s phone call to Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s formal impeachment inquiry, namely—it seems that voters are coming to terms with the idea that maybe Trump isn’t the best suited for the job.

Who’d have thought?

A CBS News poll shows that more than half of Americans, with an overwhelming number being Democrats, support the opening of the impeachment inquiry. While many Dems were initially against impeachment prior to the inquiry, believing it to be divisive enough to fire up Trump supporters and backfire, it seems this is no longer the case.

The poll also shows that a majority of Republicans believe that the president’s aims in the matter were “to protect U.S. interests and stop corruption.” Additionally, seven in 10 Republicans feel like his dealings with Ukraine are “typical of what past presidents have probably done in dealing with foreign countries.”

Huh … it’s almost as if Trump should have been impeached a long time ago!

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