Virginia Attorney General Admits to Wearing Blackface in College

Mark Herring said in a statement that he and some friends wore "wigs and brown makeup" to a party

Virginia Attorney General Admits to Wearing Blackface in College

In another Virginia-based Democratic controversy, Attorney General Mark R. Herring (D-Va.) has admitted that he dressed in blackface in college.

The attorney general said in a statement that he and some friends wore a costume with “wigs and brown makeup” to a party when he was 19.

An image that has yet to be forgotten over time for Herring himself, he said in the statement:

I have a glaring example from my past that I have thought about with deep regret in the many years since, and certainly each time I took a step forward in public service, realizing that my goals and this memory could someday collide and cause pain for people I care about, those who stood with me in the many years since, or those who I hoped to serve while in office.

Meanwhile, Virginia governor Ralph Northam has also admitted to his own depiction of blackface in an unearthed photo, while sexual assault allegations have surfaced against the state’s lieutenant governor, Justin Fairfax.

Read Herring’s full statement, to which he linked on his Twitter, below.

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