A Young Hero Demanded an Apology from Mike Pence for “Bopping” Him

One could argue that if they were to get an apology from Vice President Mike Pence, they’d deserve it. They might even have a long list of things for Pence to apologize for. But you’d be hard-pressed to find someone as persistent as this kid. During a celebration of National Military Spouse Appreciation Day, Pence, in his excitement, gestured out to a sea of children before him in gratitude and accidently bumped a kid in the nose.
A lesser, weaker man would brush it off as an accident and not trouble the Vice President of the United States for an apology. A lesser, weaker man would walk, smiling that he got to see a high-profile person up close and in person. But not this kid. He demanded retribution, following Pence, saying cute-ly, but firmly, “Excuse me… You owe me an apology.” This is a kid who knows what he wants in life, and is not afraid to go after it. And what happens when we pursue things we desire with a strong fervency? We get it, damn it. “Oh, I’m very sorry. I didn’t mean to bop you.”
Check out the video above, and dream of your own comeuppance.