The Best Twitter Responses to Paul Ryan’s Very Late Attempt to Go Anti-Trump

The Best Twitter Responses to Paul Ryan’s Very Late Attempt to Go Anti-Trump

Did you hear? Paul Ryan has been quoted at length in Politico correspondent Tim Alberta’s new book American Carnage, and in that book, he’s totally roasting Donald Trump! The Washington Post has the details:

Now out of office and trading in his power suits for a blue vest, Ryan is back to critiquing Trump in unflattering terms in conversations with Alberta, who writes the former speaker could not stand the idea of another two years with the president and saw retirement as an “escape hatch,” in Alberta’s words.

“We’ve gotten so numbed by it all,” Ryan says. “Not in government, but where we live our lives, we have a responsibility to try and rebuild. Don’t call a woman a ‘horse face.’ Don’t cheat on your wife. Don’t cheat on anything. Be a good person. Set a good example.”

Ryan depicts Trump as uneducated about the government.

“I told myself I gotta have a relationship with this guy to help him get his mind right,” Ryan recalls. “Because, I’m telling you, he didn’t know anything about government .?.?. I wanted to scold him all the time.”

Wow, tough talk!

Except, as everyone knows, that tough talk was nowhere to be found when Ryan was still in the House and it might have actually mattered. True, he tut-tutted after the Access Hollywood tape emerged, but the minute Trump won, Ryan jumped in line and became one of his top cheerleaders.

So how did people react to Ryan’s tough words now? Well, Trump wasn’t pleased, for one:

But it was the responses from liberals and Democrats that were the funniest. Paul Ryan, this is what happens when you can’t find your courage or integrity until it’s much, much too late:

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