The Ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee Thinks Republicans May Shut Down the House’s Trump-Russia Investigation

The Ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee Thinks Republicans May Shut Down the House’s Trump-Russia Investigation

Adam Schiff’s star has risen along with the rest of Trumplandia this year, as his prosecutorial background has served him well in this Trump-Russia madness. He has led the Democrats’ push to dig down to the bottom of this ordeal, and today, he took to Twitter to sound the alarm.

Shutting down the House investigation would not shut down the entire investigation. For the Republicans to get rid of special counsel Bob Mueller, it would require action to be taken by the Deputy Attorney General (since the Attorney General recused himself from this investigation), who said this week that he is satisfied with Mueller’s progress, and sees no reason to cut his inquiry short. Given the competency gap between a former FBI agent versus Congress, it’s clear which one is more important, so if we had to sacrifice any of the three Trump-Russia investigations (House, Senate, Mueller), the House would be the obvious candidate to go.

This is a worrying development, but it’s not surprising. The Republican Party does not believe in the rule of law for themselves, as this is proven when you contrast their perpetually rabid Benghazi hearings to their apprehension over investigating an assault on our elections that the entire intelligence community believes was perpetrated by the Russians, and may have been aided by members of the Republican presidential nominee’s camp. If this exact same scenario occurred—but to aid a Democratic presidential candidate—you can be certain that Republicans would not threaten to squash the inquiry before it was completed.

Jacob Weindling is a staff writer for Paste politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.

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