Everyone Is Making the Same Election Joke on Twitter, but, Hey, It’s a Good Joke

Everyone Is Making the Same Election Joke on Twitter, but, Hey, It’s a Good Joke

If you’re at all plugged into political or comedy Twitter, you may have noticed a theme today. Ahem:

And those are just the famous people! You probably get the joke, but if not, let me spell it out—every time there’s a incident of tragic gun violence in America, the reaction from Republican politicians is to send “thoughts and prayers” to the victims and their families. But do they ever do anything about it? No, which is that phrase has become a dark joke to those of us who crave an end to the senseless violence.

When the Republicans got slammed last night in Virginia and elsewhere, it was only too appropriate for the left to offer our condolences using their favorite idiom. And it wasn’t just the blue checkmarks who chimed in. These tweets all came in within the last hour (as I write):

You get the point. Thoughts and prayers, GOP.

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