Dry Skin Survival Guide

Nothing quite like the cold, harsh reality of January to zap your complexion of its usual smooth and supple demeanor. If you are plagued by dry skin daily, the struggle is especially real during the time of radiators, blowing furnaces and crisp, brittle winds knocking at your window. To overcome the annoying flake, specialized winter skincare is an absolute must. Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your face and body adequately moisturized.

Check out this list of six tips and tricks to see what might work for you and your skin.

1. The Power of Lotion

skinsaver1.jpgMoisturizing Body Lotion via Eau Thermale Avene

Considered your body’s largest organ and main defense against the elements, let it be known there is a lot of moisturizing needed to give your thirsty skin enough agua to create a silky and smooth top barrier. The right moisturizer is key and depending on your particular skin type—dry, sensitive, oily or balanced—there is sure to be a lotion out there just for you. Products made from natural spring water are the latest craze and go on oh so smooth, without the greasy sticky feeling. Always apply after a shower or bath to help lock moisture in and don’t forget before bed either!

2. Lip Repair

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Chapped lips are the absolute worst and if you are outside during November through March, practically unavoidable. Sipping on hot liquids in cold outdoor weather can trigger them, the wrong lipstick can awaken the flaky beast, even a spicy or salty meal can bring out the chap. The best defense is a non-greasy lip balm. A thick coating can help alleviate chapped lips and soothe already cracked ones. As with lotion, apply liberally.

3. Don’t Forget Your Cuticles

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Small but certainly painful, if you have ever ripped a cuticle, then you know just how necessary a special hand lotion is for this sensitive part of your skin. Not only great for protecting against dry, cracked cuticles, thick hand cream can help give extra days on your manicure as well as keep your hands looking youthful and silky soft. While hand cream was obviously made for hands, we don’t see why you can’t use it on your feet either!

4. The Best Bath

skinsaver4.jpgCalm Me Chamomile Tub Tea Bath Soak via Peacock & Lotus

While it may seem counterintuitive at first to dunk yourself in a steaming hot bath, a quick soak actually helps repair your skin’s moisture barrier, especially when you apply lotion within ten minutes after getting out. Remember to keep the water warm instead of boiling and try to limit how long you stay in the tub. When your fingertips become pruny that means you skin is dehydrated—the opposite of what you desire. Also, for a more soothing experience, add chamomile tea to the water. This will not only fill your entire bathroom with its soft scent but will also help calm dry, irritated skin.

5. Daily Fish Oil

skinsaver5.pngOmega-3 Fish Oil via The Vitamin Shoppe

By now everyone has heard about the healing powers of Omega-3s but if you are still not taking a daily fish oil supplement or at least eating a bite of salmon every now and again, then you are missing out. Always consult a physician first but with how beneficial this oily antidote appears, we just can’t understand why you wouldn’t introduce extra Omega-3s into your beauty routine. Flaxseed, Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin E are other awesomely effective skincare supplements to try. Just always, always talk to your doctor first before undertaking a new supplement regime.

6. Closet Full of Cotton

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For some dry skin victims—especially those prone to eczema—sweater weather is not the best time of year. If you find your skin itchy and red after wearing your favorite long sleeve be sure to check the fabric content. Wool and cashmere, though warm, are highly irritating to sensitive skin types. 100% cotton is definitely your safest bet when it comes to a fabric choice. Be sure to make sure any clothing item you choose at least breathes and is silky smooth, especially for pajamas. Your skin will thank you.

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