9 Tips for Slack Users
Slack is a great communication tool for teams that has taken off in the last year and a half. Along with having different channels (chat rooms) for teams, Slack is a hub to easily share files, pictures, code snippets and more. This way, you don’t have to deal with the clutter of using different platforms like email, Dropbox, Google Docs, etc.
I recently started using Slack and had definitely been missing out. I really like how they integrated basic things like viewing videos right in the window, to playing Spotify playlists. I spent several days using the program and found a few things that are useful for every Slack user.
1. Quick switcher
This is the most helpful tip that everyone should know about (if you haven’t heard already). Press ?+K (Ctrl+K on windows; or ?+T in the Mac desktop app) to easily switch to another channel or direct message. All you have to type in the name and press enter.
2. Other keyboard shortcuts
– Command + , to open preferences
– Command + . to expand/collapse the “Flexpane” (right sidebar)jo
– Command + f to search
– @ + tab to autocomplete a name
– Command + u to upload a file
– Shift + Enter to type on a new line
– Shift Command M to view all of your mentions
– Shift Command S to view all starred messages
– Command + / for all of the keyboard shortcuts!
3. Frequently asked questions
Are you sick of being asked for the wifi password or other similar questions? Customize Slackbot by adding custom questions and answers so you don’t have to type in a response every time. You can also add multiple answers to a certain questions like “where should I go to lunch today?” and Slackbot will select an answer at random.
4. Celebrity users
If you want to add a little fun to your channel, pretend to be a celebrity or character and post messages as Bender from Futurama, Taylor Swift, Darth Vader and more.
5. Giphy integration
Who doesn’t like GIFs? Add emphasis to what you are saying by adding a GIF to the conversation. Once you integrated Giphy, just type “/giphy [insert keyword]” and it will add a random GIF related to your keyword right into the channel.
6. Subscribe to RSS feeds
Type “/feed subscribe [insert RSS feed]” and you’ll get a message in that particular channel every time something thing new is added to that feed.
7. Lists
Press “shift” and “enter” together to create a line break so you can create your own numbered lists or bullet points.
8. Reminders
Slackbot is the not the smartest bot out there but it can help remind you to do some things. Just type in “/remind me to get coffee in 20 minutes” and Slackbot will send you message at that time.
9. Shrug
Want to shrug at something your co-worker said? Type in “/shrug.”