Kickstarter Weekly: Purify the Air with Wynd, Relieve Your Stress with The WellBe and More

With hundreds of technology Kickstarters available on the site every day, it’s tough to learn more about the most interesting gadgets out there. We’ve rounded up five of the most interesting projects, encompassing everything from an air purifier to a stress therapy bracelet.
WyndClean air is vital for our lungs, if we don’t want to suffer from respiratory issues. Wynd is a small and practical air purifier that means you can have clean and well monitored air no matter where you go. The size of a water bottle, you can take it out and about with you. It’ll create a kind of bubble of clean air, while also monitoring for particulates. The tracker side of things detaches, so you can just work on detecting smoke, dust or pollen, without the purifier element. A pledge of $129 will gain you one of these devices, with the campaign ending July 12.
GoBoneGoBone is the ideal gadget for dog owners that have to leave them unattended for a little while. The toy works automatically, meaning it’ll roam round your house, giving your dog something to chase. You can put food or treats inside it to further entice your pooch. The GoBone app lets you take direct control of it, adding to the fun for both of you. A pledge of $149 gets you one GoBone, and the campaign ends July 1.
PoviPovi is a cute, smart and huggable toy. It’ll tell your child stories, thereby helping them open up their emotions and talk about things. The idea is that it helps develop your child’s emotional intelligence by giving them a cute virtual friend to learn things from. Aimed at 3-8 year olds, the toy offers different stories and themes depending on the age of the child, ensuring they’ll all love it. A pledge of $49 gets you one Povi. The campaign ends June 24.
The WellBeStress is a common issue for many of us. With increasingly busy lives ensuring that relaxation isn’t so easy to come by, any solution is worth trying. The WellBe is a bracelet that’s designed to indicate your stress triggers, before suggesting immediate solutions to help matters. Knowledge is power after all. Checking your heart rate regularly, the WellBe gives you a heads up when things trigger your stress levels to be heightened, then gives some personalized tips on how to reduce it. A pledge of $109 gets you one of these, and the campaign ends July 16.
BlinkersWhen cycling at night, it’s important to be visible to other traffic. Blinkers is a bike light set that does more than just illuminate you. Working as a set of turning indicators, it’ll enable you to show drivers where you’re about to turn, plus it also works as a brake light. A laser perimeter can also give other traffic a heads up of the kind of distance they should keep when overtaking. A pledge of €69 (about $76) will get you this full set, with the campaign ending June 23.