A Baby Yoda Cocktail Is Now Being Served at Disney’s Trader Sam’s Tiki Bar

A Baby Yoda Cocktail Is Now Being Served at Disney’s Trader Sam’s Tiki Bar

Think Baby Yoda is cute enough to drink up? Well, now’s your chance.

There’s still a lack of merchandise capitalizing on the breakout star of 2019, whose official name is The Child. You probably know how Disney wanted to keep the character’s surprise reveal a secret, and so the first wave of merch for The Mandalorian didn’t have anything related to its most beloved character. You might not be able to find official t-shirts or stuffed animals yet, but if you’re going to Disneyland or Disney World anytime soon, you can at least find one adorable Baby Yoda tie-in that’s available right now. The catch is you have to be over 21 to enjoy it, and you have to know it exists to order it. Trader Sam’s, the popular tiki bar located at the Disneyland Hotel in California and Disney World’s Polynesian Village Resort in Florida, are both serving up a cocktail called The Child. It’s not on the menu, but according to multiple people on social media, if you ask a Trader Sam’s bartender for the drink, they’ll serve one up to you. Yes, it’s very similar to the Baby Yoda cocktails that have popped up at bars throughout the country, but the difference is you’ll be drinking this one at Disneyland or Disney World, in probably the best themed bar in the country.

What’s it look like? Well, it’s a green drink served in a cocktail glass, with two lime slices for ears, two blueberries for eyes, and a wrap of napkins around the stem to replicate Baby Yoda’s little robe. Um, it’s adorable. Just take a look yourself, courtesy of Instagram user @WeEatAtDisneyland:

That photo is from Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar, the Disneyland location. And I have to say, it more accurately looks like Baby Yoda than some of the non-Trader Sam’s versions I’ve seen floating around social media.

And here’s another Instragram post, this time from @SkipperMickey, of a similar drink at Trader Sam’s Grog Grotto at the Polynesian Resort at Disney World.

Might as well jump on the bandwagon. #babyyoda #tradersamsgroggrotto #tradersams

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What does the Baby Yoda cocktail taste like? According to @WeEatAtDisneyland, it has “pineapple and coconut-y flavors,” which means it’s like pretty much every other drink you can get at a tiki bar. And that’s not a knock, or anything—it’s hard to go wrong when you pour some booze together with some pineapple juice or falernum, especially when the whole package is as adorable as this one. Hopefully soon they’ll have an official Baby Yoda tiki mug to go along with the drink.

Thanks to Brady MacDonald of the Orange County Register for bringing this development to our attention.

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