Pretty Little Liars to End With Season Seven
Images via FreeformPretty Little Liars will end after its seventh season. Freeform announced the end of the series today in a Facebook live chat with the showrunners and several of its stars. The final ten episodes will air starting in April of 2017, concluding with a two-hour series finale.
The show will continue to bring back characters from its past, just as it did in the first half of the season. One member of the cast will also be married in these last ten episodes.
In a statement from the executive vice president of programming and development at Freeform, Karey Burke expressed the value Pretty Little Liars added to the network:
Through brilliant storytelling, compelling, characters and social media phenomena, Pretty Little Liars paved the way for television shows, writers and cast to interact and engage with audiences on a national and global scale like never before, which led the series to unparalleled success.
Showrunner I. Marlene King also made a statement on the show, saying:
It’s been an honor to work with such a talented cast and crew over the last seven years. We are a family, and it will be hard to say goodbye to a show that has made such an impact on young audiences and been a mouthpiece for cultural change. I’m excited for fans to finally have all of their questions answered, and I believe they will be satisfied with the wild ride that is our last ten episodes.