Stranger Things Soundtrack Release Date Set

We can all agree that one of the many great aspects of Stranger Things is the stunning soundtrack—we have Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein of Austin band S U R V I V E for that. The duo announced in late July that a soundtrack will be released “soon.” It was clarified today that “soon” means this Friday, Aug. 12.

The synth-heavy score will come out in two installments. The first will be available digitally this Friday, and on CD on Sept. 16. The second will be released digitally on Aug. 19 and on CD on Sept. 23.

“We discussed having a classic tone and feel to the music for the show but being reserved enough that it wasn’t ’80s cheese, while offering a refreshing quality so that felt modern,” Stein says in a press release. “This was one of the qualities that drew them to our music in the first place. Having a familiarity with classic synths worked, but with an overall forward thinking approach.”

Below is the album art and tracklist for the first volume.

Stranger Things Season 1 Soundtrack – Volume One Album Art:

Stranger Things OST Album Art.jpeg

Stranger Things Season 1 Soundtrack – Volume One Tracklist:

01. Stranger Things
02. Kids
03. Nancy and Barb
04. This Isn’t You
05. Lay-Z-Boy
06. Friendship
07. Eleven
08. A Kiss
09. Castle Beyers
10. Hawkins
11. The Upside Down
12. After Sarah
13. One Blink For Yes
14. Photos in the Woods
15. Fresh Blood
16. Lamps
17. Hallucinations
18. Hanging Lights
19. Biking to School
20. Are You Sure?
21. Agents
22. Papa
23. Cops Are Good at Finding
24. No Weapons
25. Walking Through the Nether
26. She’ll Kill You
27. Run Away
28. No Autopsy
29. Dispatch
30. Joyce and Lonnie Fighting
31. Lights Out
32. Hazmat Suits
33. Theoretically
34. You Can Talk to Me
35. What Else Is There to Do?
36. Hawkins Lab

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