The Funniest Tweets of the Week
Photo via Getty
It’s true: We didn’t do a post for the big meme of the week, the one with the girl looking at the guy looking at the other girl, so a lot of these tweets are the funniest entries into that meme canon. Like all good memes, this one is a perfect open vessel for whatever meaning you wish to impart, a fine goblet into which any beverage may be poured, from Coke to Pepsi to Diet Coke. Only a few of these tweets are eclipse tweets because we already did a whole other post for those. Same with Taylor Swift. A lot happened this week! Great week for tweets. Not really a good week otherwise. Eclipse was fun, though. I don’t know about you guys but I saw it at full capacity, which, boy howdy, you gotta do that if you can. Nothing else like it. Really puts all these meaningless tweet in perspective. No, but, great job with these meaningless tweets:
tactical commander
— Dr. Indica Sativa (@ByYourLogic) August 27, 2017
Safe to assume all of my tweets should start with “I’m sorry but” whether or not I remember to type it
— fran hoepfner (@franhoepfner) August 27, 2017
Look, it doesn’t matter who wins or loses, what’s important is that they have a good clean fight in which both of them die
— Pixelated Boat (@pixelatedboat) August 27, 2017
The “T.S.” in T.S. Eliot stands for “Taylor Swift”
— E????mon ????’Connor (@CondeNastee) August 26, 2017
Young Sheldon ads show him in a bowtie. But Adult Sheldon only wears T-shirts. I assume this is one of the mysteries the show will explore.
— Matt Christman (@cushbomb) August 26, 2017
Someone’s gonna get hit by a damn Young Sheldon bus
— Joe Rumrill (@2tonbug) August 26, 2017
glad gorka could resign to spend more time with his family, The Skeleton of King Vörös the Devourer, Eternal Keeper of Wasp Mountain.
— josh androsky???? (@ShutUpAndrosky) August 26, 2017
— ret byram (@rad_milk) August 25, 2017
this gotta be my favorite one
— anna (@sherlockohlmes) August 25, 2017
— ????s ????? (@JamesFolta) August 25, 2017
— ????churly whirly???? (@chumbawalden) August 25, 2017
i don’t think there’s been a piece of comedy in the last ten years that is funnier than taylor swift’s new single and edgy rebrand
— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) August 25, 2017
— Jake Jeppson (@jakeyjeppson) August 25, 2017
— Branson Reese (@bransonreese) August 25, 2017
Taylor Swift’s new single is “Look What You Made Me Do”. So far the theory that it’s a concept album about voting for Trump holds up
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) August 25, 2017
— The MegaBee (@megabee) August 24, 2017
[meeting someone named Brice] absolutely not
— the garbage shit boy (@davedittell) August 24, 2017
I wanted “Look What You Made Me Do” to sample Little Edie saying that very line in Grey Gardens. That’s my disappointment with it.
— Bryan Safi (@bryansafi) August 25, 2017
I am absolutely convinced this is the person I would get along with least in the entire world
— KRANG T. NELSON (@KrangTNelson) August 24, 2017
— rubber cat (@robbercat) August 24, 2017
alt comedy saved comedy so it could ruin comedy again
— Robbie Goodwin (@robbiegoodwin) August 24, 2017
No idea why they had to put “Harry Potter” in this title
— Ed “Clorge” Zitron (@edzitron) August 24, 2017
Imagine a president so bad he takes the fun out of seeing Mitch McConnell be publicly bullied every morning in front of the whole country
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) August 24, 2017
You know you’ve done good comedy when you say the punchline of your closer and just hear one person say, “That’s true.”
— Bryan Gutmann (@BryanGutmann) August 24, 2017
In retrospect it’s extremely funny that people saw South Park’s bland, vaguely centrist libertarianism and thought “hell yeah…..bad ass”
— Chris Person (@Papapishu) August 23, 2017
Paul Ryan has resting “I’m the assistant manager, what seems to be the problem” face.
— Kibblesmith ?? (@kibblesmith) August 23, 2017
Very excited for this [squints] straight-to-Hulu documentary about the sensational murder trial of a mysterious babysitter
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) August 23, 2017
— sean. (@SeanMcElwee) August 23, 2017
[fascists cancel dozens of marches after huge counter-protests dwarf their shitty movement]
Salon: Stop doing this thing that is working.
— Gary Alexander (@grylxndr) August 23, 2017
there’s a new show every week about superheroes who wear leather jackets and all of you watch them. you also all hate them
— Dr. Indica Sativa (@ByYourLogic) August 23, 2017
I was skeptical whether confirmation bias was a real thing but then I started seeing it everywhere
— Dan Abromowitz (@AnnDabromowitz) August 23, 2017
hi sorry i don’t want to tweet anything right now. i just want to scroll around and read what other folks are saying. don’t mind me
— Jon Bois (@jon_bois) August 23, 2017
This guy sucks ass at driving
— supportive friend (@dogboner) August 22, 2017
— Left Outside (@leftoutside) August 22, 2017
The 4th and final law of thermodynamics is have fun!
— calvin lord (@calvinthelord) August 22, 2017
while everyone is looking up at the eclipse I’m gonna wear white jeans
— Karen Kilgariff (@KarenKilgariff) August 21, 2017
Here we witness two different approaches to the same problem.
— Dick King-Smith HQ (@DickKingSmith) August 22, 2017
Bend the knee is the new bazinga
— Plug Funnie (@dunnyforshay) August 22, 2017