The Funniest Tweets About Kellyanne Conway’s Collusion Flashcards

The Funniest Tweets About Kellyanne Conway’s Collusion Flashcards

Fully aware that everybody’s already made up their mind one way or another on the issue, Trump’s counselor—and apparently aspiring first-grade teacher—Kellyanne Conway took to Fox News to explain Trump Jr.’s recent email scandal. Because nothing matters anymore—and because we’re all apparently six years old—Kellyanne decided to defend Jr. using flashcards. And not flashcards that make any damn sense mind you. She used nonsensical “joke” cards that could only have been written mid-stroke.

Fox tweeted the segment because it apparently convinced them of Jr. and his father’s innocence.

But for the rest of Twitter, they had a field day ripping those massive flashcards apart.

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