The Funniest Democratic Debate Tweets

The Funniest Democratic Debate Tweets

Hopefully you were as incredibly smart as me and decided to skip the Democratic debate in Las Vegas and watch pro wrestling instead. All Elite Wrestling had perhaps its best episode of Dynamite yet this week, with Cody Rhodes returning home to Atlanta and doing his legendary father Dusty proud with a brutal, bloody cage match on the same grounds as the old, beloved Omni, the Wrestling Mecca of the South.

Oh wait, I just saw that clip of Warren just deadass destroying Bloomberg. That was more vicious than anything at AEW tonight.

This is how I process politics in the year 2020: I do literally anything else, anything that makes me feel good and takes my mind off the mess we’re living through today, and then catch up on the news by reading jokes on Twitter. And then sharing those Twitter jokes with whoever happens to click on whatever link brought you here right now. It’s a much healthier way to interact with this nonsense than watching cable news, and obviously beats the hell out of talk radio.

So take a few minutes from your daily routine and scroll through the totally fine and sometimes great jokes that brought me momentary distraction from the miserable truth of 21st century living. And go catch up on that AEW show, if you haven’t already seen it.

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