Kylo Ren Revisits Undercover Boss on Saturday Night Live

Kylo Ren Revisits Undercover Boss on Saturday Night Live

When Adam Driver first hosted Saturday Night Live, he starred in a video where Kylo Ren, his Star Wars character, went on the show Undercover Boss as a janitor on Starkiller Base. It’s one of the better and more fondly remembered SNL sketches of the last few years, so it was a surprise that the show didn’t revisit it the next time Adam Driver hosted. Usually SNL runs anything popular into the ground.

The show wasn’t able to muster the same restraint with his latest hosting gig, which aired last night. Driver returned once again as the Supreme Leader of the First Order, this time going undercover as a First Order intern to see what it was like to be the lowest on the totem pole within his intergalactic paramilitary organization of space fascists. It’s not as funny as the first one, but it’s still worth a watch if you’re a Star Wars fan. Check it out below, and be careful how you treat your interns—you never know when they just might force explode you.

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