The Funniest Tweets of the Week

Comedy Lists Tweets of the Week
The Funniest Tweets of the Week

I don’t think we’re talking enough about the UFC’s attempts to keep running shows during the pandemic. They bought an island. They were going to hold fights on that island. They call it Fight Island. In an attempt to prove he’s the manliest man around, UFC head Dana White basically turned himself into a real-life supervillain. He was ready to do a real-life Enter the Dragon for all the world to watch—aired on a Disney-owned channel, no less—just to keep chipping away at the massive debt UFC’s owners took on to buy the company, and so he could crow on about how the UFC didn’t tap out to the highly infectious disease that’s ravaging the entire world. Dana White’s an idiot, is my point. And yes, there’s at least one tweet about that whole thing below.

So yes: this was a week. It had tweets. Here are the funniest of them. The first one is about Louis CK because of course the first one was going to be about Louis CK, who at the start of the week released his first stand-up special since being outed as a serial sex creep. Start with that and then make your way down the list at your own leisure. Look, you’re free to read this junk however you wish. I’m just gonna back out and let you get started on that, okay?

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