
The Good Wife: “The Bit Bucket” (Episode 5.02)

The Good Wife: “The Bit Bucket” (Episode 5.02)

One of the best things about The Good Wife is that it has seamlessly created a believable world where characters weave in and out—just as they would in the real life. A slew of familiar characters returned for “The Bit Bucket,” including my personal favorite Becca, the conniving student who is Eli’s nemesis. That Dreama Walker is available to reprise this role is probably the only upside to the too-soon cancellation of ABC’s Don’t Trust the B in Apt. 23.

Internet mogul and fan favorite Neil Gross also returned in this episode. This time he’s suing the NSA for trying to get data about his users. The Good Wife always rips from the headlines in clever, unpredictable ways. We learn that the NSA has been monitoring Alicia’s communications ever since she defended a translator accused of assisting the Taliban (back in season 3). I loved the show’s take on who the NSA has listening to our conversations—uber-tech geeks in nerdy t-shirts with a fondness for ridiculous You Tube videos. That one of the NSA employees was played by Zach Woods (Gabe on The Office) was an added bonus.

And we got to see the always fabulous Stockard Channing again as Alicia’s mother Veronica. Veronica has hired David Lee to help her with her estate planning (I adore their flirting over M&M’s. It’s the best). Veronica’s return also provided more insight into Alicia’s childhood when she discusses with her mom after one too many margaritas that Veronica didn’t like her. “I was a likeable kid. People liked me,” she tells her mom. There’s SO much we don’t know about Alicia’s relationship with her mother.

Diane is feeling the pressure to bad-mouth Will to ensure she gets the nomination to the Supreme Court. She stays strong in her first interview with reporter Mandy Post (Miriam Shor in another welcome guest star return) but after Eli tells her that her refusal to cooperate will cost her the nomination, she caves.

Zach’s ex-girlfriend Nisa may end up causing the family the biggest problem. She keeps calling Zach in tears, but she’s from Somalia and that piques the NSA’s interest and gets them permission to continue to monitor all of Alicia’s conversations. This storyline will definitely be back.

So much was happening in this episode: Becca trying to sell the gavel the Supreme Court Chief Justice gave Peter (in a storyline that lets Eli be his best Eli). The threat that perhaps Neil Gross won’t be going with Alicia and Cary when they leave. That Alicia and Cary have yet to leave. David Lee’s growing suspicions. Diane’s betrayal of Will. Could season five be the best season of The Good Wife yet?

Other thoughts on “The Bit Bucket:”
• There were great lines, but the best belonged to Veronica: “Jesus has no problem with Grace looking her best. That’s what Jesus believed in.”
• So glad to see Jeffrey Tambor back as Judge Kluger.
• Love that there’s a gift room for Peter.
• The whole burner phone thing was confusing. Alicia used the burner phone to talk to Cary about the money, but then her regular phone to tell her mom not to tell David Lee about what the money was for?

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