RNC Releases Attack Ad Calling Democrats “Unhinged,” Despite Supporting One of the Most Unhinged Presidents in History
Image via GOP/YouTube
The Republican National Committee released an attack ad on Tuesday that refers to the Democrats as “unhinged.” The ad is a pathetic attempt at fighting back against Democratic candidates who threaten to take over Congress in the upcoming midterm elections.
The ad, titled “The Left in 2018: Unhinged,” shows poorly spliced together videos of liberal celebrities and Democratic government officials speaking out against the Trump administration. Plus, there’s an added bonus feature of random graffiti in order to associate Democrats with rebel youths. Liberal figures featured in the video include Johnny Depp making an assassination comment, Maxine Waters promoting Democratic protests against Trump’s child separation policy, Kathy Griffin holding a fake Trump head and so on.
All of the images and footage used in the video are controversial images that have created outrage among Republicans in the past. The Daily Wire notes that all of the events portrayed in the ad were well-publicized instances of extreme calls to action by liberals. These events include Snoop Dog shooting Trump in a music video, Madonna saying she has thought about blowing up the White House and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi encouraging uprisings.
Griffin spoke out against the ad on Twitter:
The @GOP has used video from my Trump mask photo shoot in their latest web ad. They’ve also included @MaxineWaters and @iamsambee – I’m in good company. Is this the best you got guys? A comic’s photoshoot…while your president is keeping children in internment camps?
Fuck You pic.twitter.com/dj8yeKME2c
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) June 27, 2018
However, Republicans will never know that Griffin is holding up a fake Trump head as a part of a comedy photo shoot because the ad does what the Trump administration does best: It leaves out important information in order to stroke the Republican ego. It also uses Trump’s signature scare tactics, which have often been compared to Hitler’s tactics.
RNC Spokesman Steve Guest said, “Voters have a clear choice in 2018, the Democrat Party is the party of obstruction and extreme rhetoric while the Republican Party is working to deliver a stronger economy for all Americans.” Harley-Davidson may disagree with that economy statement but nevertheless, the Republican party is moving forward with the “unhinged” angle for the upcoming midterms. That must be why Democrats are making all those claims about children in cages … because they’re “unhinged,” and unhinged people shouldn’t be in office, right?