The Funniest Memes About Sean Hannity’s Ridiculous Clinton Conspiracy Chart
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Conspiracy theorists love their overly complicated flowcharts, so it’s no surprise that the far right media has a long, rich history of them. Glenn Beck might’ve become known for ‘em during his days on Headline News and Fox, but he’s not alone when it comes to slapping random words on a blackboard or screen and then acting like they all add up to some ominous plot. Earlier this week original Fox hack Sean Hannity (who’s like a human Shrek without the charisma or personality) whipped up a doozy about Hillary Clinton, clearly in a bid to distract his viewers from the charges of sexual abuse and attempted rape levied against Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore, who Hannity still supports.
Game. Set. Match.
— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) November 15, 2017
Hannity’s basically been a joke as long as he’s been at Fox, but he’s a joke with a massive following and extreme influence over the right-wing base. He’s peddled conspiracy theories for over two decades on his TV and radio shows, but by slapping all this nonsense on a single (easily Photoshopped) screen he invited a level of mockery unusual even for him.
Top 32 answers on the board: Name a phrase your stepdad is going to shout at this year’s Thanksgiving
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) November 15, 2017
when you finally get to be dungeon master and you skip school to spend the whole day planning the ultimate D&D campaign
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) November 15, 2017
Sean Hannity made a chart of topics he’ll continue to discuss until he’s fired. Pretty cool
— Michael would like Nazis kicked off of this site. (@Home_Halfway) November 15, 2017
Eventually @francisc0ricard did the world a favor and posted a version of the photo with all the text removed.
Here’s the photo, sans text. Enjoy, all. Be creative.
— Francisco J. Ricardo (@francisc0ricard) November 15, 2017
And thus opened the floodgates of Hannity-savaging nonsense. This is where this particular fad transcended from mere Twitter goofs to a contender for best meme of the month.
i didn’t watch cable news during the bush or obama years but it’s absolutely worth it in 2017 for seeing things like this
— drewtoothpaste (@drewtoothpaste) November 15, 2017
— Seth Masket (@smotus) November 15, 2017
Hannity is definitely on to something here
— I’m Dave Lozo, ESPNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN (@davelozo) November 15, 2017
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) November 15, 2017
— ceeks (@70Ceeks) November 15, 2017
oh dang
— jeremiah st cyr (@MiahSaint) November 15, 2017
Hannity narrows down on .@jimmybuffett ‘s lost shaker of salt.
— Paul C. Cuthbert (@cuthbertonline) November 15, 2017
For once I think Sean Hannity was onto something.
— Dan “Why Is This Place Still Full of Nazis” Telfer (@dantelfer) November 16, 2017
You can find far more of these on Twitter if you just search “Hannity chart,” assuming you, like us, will be forever interested in people treating leaky sacks of garbage like Hannity with the utter disrespect they deserve.