Here are the Largest 50 Breweries in the Country

Here are the Largest 50 Breweries in the Country

Size matters, so every year the Brewers Association releases its list of the “top 50 producing craft brewing companies and overall brewing companies in the U.S.” The list is based on beer sales volume, so it’s a who’s who of breweries that sell a sh&! ton of beer. This isn’t a list of the “best” breweries or even the most profitable breweries, it’s simply about volume. But it’s interesting none-the-less and it sheds light on a couple of things. 1) Yuengling is still king of the craft beer world and still considered a craft brewery under the Brewers Association’s guidelines and 2) Nothing much has changed from last year. Stone and CANarchy switched places, but they’re still both in the top 10. There was some light jockeying for position down the list, but overall, the breweries that sold a sh$! ton of beer in 2018 are the same breweries that sold a sh$! ton of beer in 2017. What this means, is that the days of massive expansion and “East Coast hubs” are over for now. New breweries will pop up, mid-level regional breweries will probably continue to struggle, but there’s probably not going to be a lot of moving and shaking going on in the craft beer world in 2019.

Here’s the full list in case you’re curious.

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