Jeremy Renner Did a Music
"Heaven Don't Have a Name," apparently
Photo by Jacopo Raule/Getty
Are you ready for the weekend? We’re ready for the weekend. It’s Friday afternoon, about five o’clock, you’re probably slacking off—we’re probably slacking off—and it’s nearly time to go home. Right?
Wrong. You are legally obliged to stay in your place of employment until you listen to Jeremy Renner’s new song, “Heaven Don’t Have a Name.” The song defies description, so indulge us here for a moment.
Picture this: Vince McMahon commissioned a theme song for his upcoming extreme football league, the XFL. His stipulations were that it sounded like if Carrie Underwood’s Sunday Night Football theme song played during an episode of Riverdale.
Another scenario: You’re at a Coyote Ugly, line-dancing the night away to an Imagine Dragons tribute band; afterwards, you go to the bar, eager to buy the band a Coors Light, only to realize that it’s the Avengers that’ve been playing for you the whole time.
In other words, “Heaven Don’t Have a Name” is a must-listen. Renner sings over radio-friendly and anthemic production—plodding keys, booming drums, rousing guitars—of a flirtation lost to memory.
You can listen to the song below and then join us for a Friday Happy Hour afterwards.