Watch This Fox News Correspondent Get Interrupted by Crowd Chanting “F*ck Trump” in a French Bar

Watch This Fox News Correspondent Get Interrupted by Crowd Chanting “F*ck Trump” in a French Bar

Sunday, the U.S. Women’s National Team beat the Netherlands to win their second consecutive (and fourth overall) championship title. It was a historic victory, a cause for celebration and, like most other things, another reason to denounce Trump while drunk at a bar.

Greg Palkot, a correspondent for Fox News, was broadcasting live from a pub in Lyon, France, when he was enthusiastically disrupted by patrons chanting “F*** Trump!” behind him. Try as he might, Palkot couldn’t cover up the crowd’s enthusiastic yelling and just like that Fox News, Trump’s favorite channel, had been infiltrated by those pesky libs.

Recently, Trump got into a Twitter spat with star USWNT player (and Golden Boot recipient) Megan Rapinoe, who said that she wouldn’t appear at the White House should she and the team be invited. Trump has a history of offering a meal catered by McDonald’s to championship-winning teams; he also has a history of not even inviting women’s teams.

When asked if the team would accept the invitation, Rapinoe told the Agence France-Presse, “I haven’t spoken to everyone about it, obviously not myself, not Ali Krieger, and I suspect not many, if any, of the other players [would].”

Beyond the team’s political positioning, the victory raised another important question: Why aren’t the championship-winning women paid an equal amount as the not-even-qualifying men’s team?

Celebrate the victory and chant along (and drink away your sorrows to the gendered injustices present in the country) with the clip below.

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