Rep. Ilhan Omar Tells Tucker Carlson to Stuff It

Rep. Ilhan Omar Tells Tucker Carlson to Stuff It

Rep. Ilhan Omar wants Tucker Carlson to know he looks like a “racist fool” as he “weeps” about her presence in Congress.

In a stunning tirade against the congresswoman on Tuesday night, the Fox News host referred to Omar as “living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country” and possessing “undisguised contempt for the United States and for its people.”

Speaking during a segment about Democratic presidential candidates’ criticisms of the United States, Carlson accused Omar of holding values “antithetical to ours” and having failed to “assimilate” to those of the U.S.

Referring to a Washington Post profile of Omar that detailed her view of the United States as a country that has “failed to live up to its founding ideals, a place that had disappointed her and so many immigrants, refugees and minorities like her,” Carlson stated the public should “be grateful for Omar, as annoying as she is. She is a living fire alarm, a warning for the rest of us that we better change our immigration system immediately. Or else.”

The Somali-born congresswoman, who immigrated to the U.S. in 1992, took to Twitter to respond to Carlson’s inflammatory comments late Tuesday night, writing: “No lies will stamp out my love for this country or my resolve to make our union more perfect.”

Omar made further comments as she was leaving a Democratic caucus meeting this morning, per The Hill, telling reporters that Carlson is “weeping about the fact that we have an African-born member of Congress, the type of people that the likes of him think come from shithole countries.”

This is not the first xenophobic vitriol the Fox News host has spat at Omar. Carlson previously referred to the congresswoman as a “hateful and racist” attacker of “her adopted country” in April and a “symbol of America’s failed immigration system if there ever was one” in May.

Carlson will continue to address the issue on tonight’s broadcast, according to The Hill.

Check out Omar’s tweet in response to the segment below.

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