The 10 Best Cam and Mitchell Quotes from Modern Famliy
Modern Family might not be quite at the top of its game this season, but it will always be worth watching for the Cam & Mitchell scenes, if nothing else. Here are our favorite Cameron Tucker and Mitchell Pritchett quotes from Seasons 1-4.
10. Drinking Game
Cam: I’m playing a drinking game. It’s called everytime I feel depressed about something, I take a drink.
Mitchell: That’s already a game. It’s called alcoholism.
9. Embarrassment
Mitchell: When I was 12-years-old my father walked into my bedroom and caught me doing the most embarrassing thing that a boy can do: dancing to Madonna’s ‘Lucky Star.’
8. A Normal Childhood
Mitchell: [talking about Lilly being in a commercial] Let’s just let Lily have a normal childhood.
Cameron: I think that gay cruise has sailed.
7. A Little Too Far
Mitchell: You always take this a little too far. Your nephew’s first birthday.
Cameron: That’s not fair.
Mitchell: You brought a wind machine.
Cameron: Who puts wheels on cribs?
6. Outfits
Mitchell: Aren’t you going to change into a working man’s outfit?
Cameron: I don’t think workmen really call them outfits.
5. Costco
Cameron: I’m sort of like Costco. I’m big, I’m not fancy and I dare you to not like me.
4. Denial
Mitchell: I had to actually come out to my dad three times before he acknowledged it. I’m not sure if maybe he was hoping he heard it wrong, like I said ‘Dad, I’m grey.’
3. Handy Dad
Mitchell: I know I’m not the handiest guy, but I’m still a man and I want to be able to look out into my yard and say, ‘There’s a little bit of me in that princess castle.
2. Remembering ‘Nam
Cam: She’s already prone to flashbacks, if you know what I mean.
Mitchell: You know she didn’t fight in Vietnam, right?
1. Mommy Dearest
Cam: There’s a fish in nature that swims around with its babies in its mouth. That fish would look at Mitchell’s relationship with his mother and say, “That’s messed up.”