Watch the Absurd (and NSFW) “Every ’90s Commercial Ever” Short

Watch the Absurd (and NSFW) “Every ’90s Commercial Ever” Short

In the wake of the biggest TV commercial event of the year, YouTube channel RocketJump has contributed a unique addition to the advertising frenzy. The channel uploaded a short parody called “Every ‘90s Commercial Ever” yesterday—and the video has already surpassed one million views.

Even if you only watched 15 minutes of TV in the ‘90s, you’ll immediately endorse RocketJump’s title choice for the short. There’s that orange-yellow tint, bored kids suddenly inspired by some super cool product and of course, in-unison exclamations followed by quirky close-ups and generic rock music.

The video does crescendo into craziness and chaos, however. It’s not quite “Too Many Cooks”-level absurdity, but it gets pretty violent and NSFW.

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