100 Great Twitter Feeds about Movies

100 Great Twitter Feeds about Movies

Before you start digging through the following, you should probably follow Paste Movies on Twitter. We like to think we’ve got a pretty sterling reputation for .gif curation.

Even the best Twitter feeds can be ephemeral manifestations. Actors get busy (or accidentally incite a Twitter-storm), studio promotion machines let faux-character accounts fade away, and it’s easy for even the most diehard Tweet machine to just get sick of dealing with the trolls. For those of us who enjoy the medium, though, it’s worth refreshing the ol’ follow list from time to time. To that end, we’ve gathered 100 movie-related feeds that will provide a film-lover several morning papers worth of film chatter, insight and news.

Enjoy these feeds today—they could be gone tomorrow.

1. Mark Hamill – @MarkHamill
Twitter Bio: Believe in yourself! Work hard, never give up & anything’s possible. OR: Kick back, relax & aim low-you’ll never be disappointed.
Followers: 1.21M
What’s in it for you?: Often updated, funny and uh LUKE SKYWALKER??!

2. Brie Larson – @brielarson
Twitter Bio: Actor / Mushroom Forager / SCUBA Certified Diver / Scientific American Subscriber / Dog Mom / Captain Marvel / Generally Stoked
Followers: 391K
What’s in it for you?: Captain Marvel and Oscar-nominated star of Room, Brie is a frequent tweeter who posts on social issues, funny musings and fun pictures (see above).

3. Samuel L. Jackson – @SamuelLJackson
Twitter Bio:
Followers: 5.81M
What’s in it for you?: His Olympic tweets were epic—bonus points for reading them in his voice.

4. Ryan Reynolds – @VancityReynolds
Twitter Bio: Introducing people to the version of myself which tested highest in the focus groups.
Followers: 2.89M
What’s in it for you?: If Deadpool had a twitter this would definitely be it. Ryan often replies to sexually charged tweets with hysterical comebacks. See for yourself.

5. Edward Norton – @EdwardNorton
Twitter Bio: an experiment in progress.
Followers: 2.13M
What’s in it for you?: Often updates with social issues and environmental concerns. All around cool guy.

6. Seth Rogen – @SethRogen
Twitter Bio: I… Tweet!!!!!!
Followers: 4.24M
What’s in it for you?: Bonus: his mom Sandy Rogen is also on Twitter.

7. Jim Carrey – @JimCarrey
Twitter Bio: Actor Jim Carrey!
Followers: 15.3M
What’s in it for you?: Just about what you’d expect from Jim Carrey‘s twitter.

8. Patrick Stewart – @SirPatStew
Twitter Bio:
Followers: 2.28M
What’s in it for you?: Lots of tweets featuring Ian McKellen and some lovely shots of the countryside. You definitely want to follow Professor X.

9. Milla Jovovich – @MillaJovovich
Twitter Bio: pronounced mee-luh yo-vo-vitch … http://www.facebook.com/MillaJovovich http://www.instagram.com/MillaJovovich snapchat: msmillajovovich
Followers: 1.48M
What’s in it for you?: In addition to being a total badass, Milla’s Twitter feed features #millamondays where she posts playlists and songs.

10. Jon Favreau – @Jon_Favreau
Twitter Bio: actor/writer/director
Followers: 1.92M
What’s in it for you?:  Jon Favreau is an active tweeter, including Q&A sessions with fans, and apparently he really does make an amazing Cuban sandwich.

11. Sylvester Stalone – @TheSlyStallone
Twitter Bio: Actor, writer, director, artist. Instagram: @officialslystallone
Followers: 1.8M
What’s in it for you?:  Sly Stone surprisingly tweets normal, day-in-the-life stuff. Refreshing.

12. Tom Hanks – @tomhanks
Twitter Bio: I’m that actor in some of the movies you liked and some you didn’t. Sometimes I’m in pretty good shape, other times I’m not. Hey, you gotta live, you know?
Followers: 12.1M
What’s in it for you?: Hanks posts really random pictures of lost and abandoned clothing items with silly commentary. (No really, he does.)

13. Chris Pratt – @PrattPrattPratt
Twitter Bio: laughing with you, not at you.
Followers: 3.63M
What’s in it for you?: Why wouldn’t we highlight Star Lord’s twitter feed? As most of the world has discovered, it turns out Pratt is actually a really nice, funny guy. (There’s also his banter with James Gunn and tweets to fans.)

14. Simon Pegg – @simonpegg
Twitter Bio: This account is moderated on Simon’s behalf
Followers: 6.66M
What’s in it for you?: This Twitter feed is heavy in pictures of Simon on set and promoting his films. The dubsmash videos are fantastic, too.

15. Mindy Kaling – @mindykaling
Twitter Bio: The Mindy Project, on Hulu. Season 5 premieres October 4th. Why Not Me? is my second book. instagram: mindykaling
Followers: 7.76M
What’s in it for you?: Mindy posts a lot of behind-the-scenes photos (for The Mindy Project), but she’s also full of hilarious commentary.

16. Patton Oswalt – @pattonoswalt
Twitter Bio: Mr. Oswalt is a former wedding deejay from Northern Virginia.
Followers: 2.81M
What’s in it for you?: LOLs for days. Oswalt also is capable of launching grade-A rants and delivering epic takedowns of those foolish enough to trigger his ire.

17. Anna Kendrick – @AnnaKendrick47
Twitter Bio: Pale, awkward and very very small. Form an orderly queue, gents.
Followers: 5.74M
What’s in it for you?: The example is just one of many hilarious tweets Anna posts. Down to Earth and relatable—for those of us who’ve ever wondered if YouTube advertisers think we have severe plaque psoriasis.

18. John Cleese – @JohnCleese
Twitter Bio: Yes, I am still indeed alive, contrary to rumour, and am performing the silly walk in my new app http://www.thesillywalk.com
Followers: 5.41M
What’s in it for you?: Because this Monty Python actor is a legend and he’s still going strong.

18. Rob Corddry – @robcorddry
Twitter Bio: Let’s meet early Monday for show business planning
Followers: 1.48M
What’s in it for you?: You’d probably recognize this actor more in TV than in movies, but surprisingly he’s been in quite a bit of bro comedies. His Twitter feed is full of gems.

19. Kristen Bell – @IMKritenBell
Twitter Bio: 5’1 is the new 6’2
Followers: 1.97M
What’s in it for you?: She’s funny, down to earth and she’s speaking what every parent has probably thought at some point in their lives.

20. Emma Watson – @EmWatson
Twitter Bio: British actress, Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women
Followers: 22.6M
What’s in it for you?: She’s not just Hermione—this actress promotes numerous charities and humanitarian efforts.

21. Jonah Hill – @JonahHill
Twitter Bio: I wanted to start an official Twitter page to communicate with the awesome people who are interested in communicating with me. That means you, mom.
Followers: 5.03M
What’s in it for you?: Having successfulyl switched from being type-cast in comedies. We can’t wait to see what Jonah does next.

22. Carrie Fisher – @carrieffisher
Twitter Bio: theres no room for demons when you’re self possessed….
Followers: 1.06M
What’s in it for you?: Her Star Wars-loving dog Gary and her Star Wars-centric tweets are enough to give Carrie a follow.

23. Ian McKellen – @IanMcKellen
Twitter Bio: actor and activist
Followers: 3.41M
What’s in it for you?: Well for starters, he’s Gandalf and he posts pictures with his fans and his BFF Patrick Stewart.

24. Robert Downey, Jr. – @RobertDowneyJr
Twitter Bio: You know who I am.
Followers: 7.5M
What’s in it for you?: Pictures of him trolling Captain America, basically being Iron Man 24:7.

25. Rainn Wilson – @RainnWilson
Twitter Bio: I am an actor and a writer and I co-created @SoulPancake and my son, Walter.
Followers: 4.31M
What’s in it for you?: “The Bassoon King” – Rainn often posts articles on climate issues and sarcastic, witty commentary.

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